Warm You Up Chil

"3-4 lbs of sirloin ground up, 1 sweet onion chopped, fresh garlic, 4 roasted jalapenos, beef broth, Worcestershire, 1/2 ts basil, 2 ts cumin, chili powder, 1 beer, salt/pepper, 2 cans of fire roasted tomatoes. In a large pot place 1-2 Tablespoons of oil and sauté onion and garlic. Add chopped up steak and start browning. When meat has started browning add a couple of cups of beef broth, spices for your own taste. 2 cans of fire roasted tomatoes. Place jalapeño in oven until roasted black. Peal skin off and chop. Add this to chili. Save beer"

Prep Time

30 mins

Cook Time

1 hour

Paired With

Main Protein



sirloin table spoon


On chili. 3-4 lbs of sirloin ground up, 1 sweet onion chopped, fresh garlic, 4 roasted jalapenos, beef broth, Worcestershire, 1/2 ts basil, 2 ts cumin, chili powder, 1 beer, salt/pepper, 2 cans of fire roasted tomatoes. In a large pot place 1-2 Tablespoons of oil and sauté onion and garlic. Add chopped up steak and start browning. When meat has started browning add a couple of cups of beef broth, spices for your own taste. 2 cans of fire roasted tomatoes. Place jalapeño in oven until roasted black. Peal skin off and chop. Add this to chili. Save beer for last. I cook on low for a couple of hours, adding more beef broth if needed.