Super Bowl Sunday Chili for All

"I came up with this recipe to suit everyone in the family! What makes it special is it’s great for a crowd of all different palates! It’s lower in fat, just a hint of spicy flavor, it has just the right amount of beans but has all the flavor of a beef chili! The secret ingredients add a touch of pizazz that keeps everyone wondering how it was made!"

Prep Time

30 min

Cook Time

1 hr

Paired With

Main Protein



Ground Chicken 1 pack, 1 can, 1 chopped, To coat pan, 1 lg can, 1 small can, 1 carton, 1/4 cup, 1 tbl, 1 tbl, 1 tbl, to taste, 1 tbl, 4 dashes, 1 tbl, 2 tbl, 1-2 cups, 1 tbl, To taste, To taste
Black beans
Olive oil
Fire roasted crushed tomatoes
Diced chili peppers
Chicken broth
Black Box Cabernet
Chili powder
Dried Cilantro
Salt and Pepper
Garlic powder
Franks Red Hot sauce
Brown sugar
Corn starch
Brown Rice
Medium shredded cheddar cheese
Sour cream


Coat the bottom of a pot with olive oil. Chop the onion up very fine. Add to pot and sauté for a few minutes, then add salt and a little chicken broth to caramelize the onions. Continue to cook until light brown. Add the ground chicken and sauté with the onions.

After chicken is cooked and chopped up thoroughly start adding the other ingredients. Add all spices, then add 3/4 of the broth, add the can of crushed tomatoes, brown sugar, hot sauce, wine, diced chili’s, and beans. Simmer on low for 1 hour. 

While the Chili is cooking, steam the brown rice with a tbl of butter along with the water.
Add  2 tbl of cornstarch to a little broth in a small dish.

When Chili is done, stir cornstarch mix gradually into the pot for the desired thickness!

Put a scoop of rice in bowl, add the Chili on top


Sour cream and medium cheddar shredded cheese 

Sprinkle fresh or dried cilantro on top for added yumminess!