Grandma Ottie’s Sage Chili

"My Grandma Ottie grew up in Monroe, Louisiana, where she learned to cook traditional Creole food. During WWII she moved to Tacoma where she worked in the shipyards as a rosie the riveter, and had 6 children. When her husband died, she went back to school and became a nurse to support her family. This is her chili recipe, which marries classic chili with a Creole twist."

Prep Time

20 mins

Cook Time

2 hours 30 mins

Paired With

Main Protein



Pork Sausage 1lb, 1, 1/2, 1/2, 3 stalks, 3, 1 tbsp, 1 quart, 2, 2 cans, 2 cans, 1 tsp, 1 tbsp, 1 tsp, 2 tbsp, 2 tbsp, 1 tbsp, 1 tsp, 1 tsp, 1 tsp, 2 tbsp, to taste
Yellow Onion
Green bell pepper
Red bell pepper
Minced Garlic
Olive Oil
Beef Broth
Bay leaves
Stewed tomatoes
Kidney beans
Dry mustard
Dry sage
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Cayenne pepper


In large stock pot

Brown sausage over medium heat, set aside

In same pan, adding oil if necessary, sauté onion, pepper, celery, adding garlic after onions begin to brown

Add broth, bay leaves, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, basil, thyme, mustard, curry, cumin, sage. Reduce by half over med heat

Add remaining ingredients and simmer low for ~2 hours