Easy Chili

"My husband like hot chili but I didn't so we compromised. I would make it as hot as i liked it and he added more hotness before eating. 1 lb hamburger browned with onion, can of dark kidney beans, can of stewed tomatoes and a can of Fire Roasted tomatoes, chili powder to taste, garlic and onion powder, salt and pepper. Slow cook on stove for 2 to 3 hours. Serve with shredded cheese, sour cream and cornbread."

Prep Time

20 min.

Cook Time

2 to 3 hrs

Paired With

Main Protein



Hamburger 1 lb. 1 Med oinion, 1 14.5 can of Fire Roasted Tomatoes, chili powder, garlic powder, shredded cheese, cornbread
1 14.5 can of stewed tomatoes
1 14.5 can dark kidney beans
salt and pepper
sour cream


1 lb of hamburger, 1 medium onion cooked together until browned. Put in pot with 1 14.5 oz can of stewed tomatoes, 1 14.5 oz Fire Roasted tomatoes and 1 can of 14.5 oz can of dark red kidney beans. Season with garlic powder to taste, onion powder to taste, chili powder to taste, salt and pepper. Let simmer on stove for 2 to 3 hours. Serve with shredded cheese, sour cream and cornbread. Enjoy.