Chile Cranberry Shortbread

"As a Scotsman in the USA, a Classically French Trained Chef, and a Self-Taught Baker, I like fusion cuisine, so I take the Traditional and Twist it up a bit. It is all about using flavors and textures to achieve a new experience in taste and mouth feel, along with being pleasing to the eye and wallet."

Prep Time

15 minutes

Cook Time

20 minutes

Paired With

Main Protein



Salted Butter 3 Sticks, Softened, 1 Cup, 3 Cups, Unsifted, 4 oz., 1 oz.
Brown Sugar
All Purpose Flour
Dried Cranberries
Dried Red Chili Flakes


  1. Preheat oven to 350*F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper
  2. Place the flour sugar, chili flakes, cranberries, and butter in a large bowl and mix till you get fine bread crumbs
  3.  Keep mixing the dough until you get a cohesive ball, where everything is mixed, with no loose crumbs
  4. Place the dough on the counter with a very little flour dusting and knead for about three minutes to make sure it is well incorporated
  5.  Wrap the dough in saran wrap and place in the fridge for about 30 minutes to an hour to set it up for rolling
  6.  Roll the dough out between two sheets of parchment paper to about 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick
  7. cut your shortbread out using cookie cutters or a knife into shapes, then place on the lined baking sheet and bake for 15-20 minutes or until it is just turning golden at the edges
  8. leave the shortbread on the sheet for 5 minutes to set then remove to a wire rack to cool completely
  9. Serve with a nice dessert wine and dip like you would a true Biscotti!!

    This is not Vegetarian/Vegan but it was the only option to choose, as there is NO Protein in this, it is a Dessert